Stephen Billett is a Professor of Adult and Vocational Education at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. After a career in clothing manufacturing, he was a vocational educator, teacher educator, and professional educator and held a policy role in Queensland. Since 1992, at Griffith, he has researched learning through and for work and published widely in fields of learning for occupations, vocational education, workplace learning, work, higher education, and conceptual accounts of learning for occupational purposes. His current research projects are on: the standing of vocational education, integration of work experiences to promote university students’ employability, alignments between learning and innovations at work, resilience in healthcare workers, work-life learning in an era of change, continuing education and training in Singapore and re-imaging rural general practice after CoVid19. He is the founding and editor-in-chief of the journal Vocations and Learning: Studies in Professional and vocational education and the Professional and practice-based learning book series for Springer.